Marketing is not a commodity. It is difficult to apply a fixed cost to marketing services because every business (and the market they serve) is different. There is a creative element (brand and message) as well as a logistical one – like which marketing platforms are best to invest in. These platforms – whether TV, radio, print or web advertising – vary greatly in cost. However, it has been our experience that a local business needs a solid number that make sense for their budget.
At Local Net Results, we have bundled our basic services into management and marketing programs according to the needs of our clients. Our systematic “first-things-first” approach to online marketing makes this fairly simple.
What you need, when you need it. This is not a “good-better-best” arrangement, but rather a step-one, step-two, step-three approach. At a very basic level, we find that start-up businesses value having one agency manage the technology of their website so they can focus on building their business. As their business grows, they are concerned with gaining better internet visibility and building their brand. Larger, more established companies require a larger market share of available online leads.
We can, of course, roll out a marketing strategy containing all three levels of service, or customize marketing services for any industry. But if you are a local company servicing a consumer market, this is a great place to start!
Webmaster – Premium WordPress hosting in a complete website management package. Let Local Net Results manage the technology so you can focus on your business.
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Brand Builder – Our “starter package” with all the basic Local SEO strategies is combined with our review platform that allows your customers to build your brand.
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Lead Generator – As your business grows, so should your internet presence. Lead Generator gives you the edge over your competitors through targeted SEO and PPC campaigns.
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Local Visibility – The Local Visibility program is designed to give our clients maximum visibility in a local search market. We typically provide this service after we build and launch a new website.
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